Payment Instructions

You can easily pay with PayPal account or with credit card on

If you choose to pay with your credit card, sometimes the payment might be denied by system at the checkout progress, in defense against possible credit card fraud, which happens once in a while.

Here are 3 ways to pay on

1.I have a PayPal account:

In this case, please try to pay with your account, or under PayPal Express.

2.I do not have a Paypal account:

Click on "Buy It Now" or "Pay with Paypal" botton, both on product page and shopping cart page. Then you will be directed to payment page, with access to both Paypal payment and Debit/Credit Card payment. For the latter option, a PayPal account is not needed.

3.The current card could not work.

Please switch to another debit/credit card you have.

To make the payment easier, please read the following instruction for paying with credit card/Paypal account on our website.

Here are the payment steps for you below:

Step 1-1 On Product Page

Step 1-1 On Product Page

Click "Buy it Now" or "Buy with Paypal", even if you do not have an account of PayPal.

Go to Step 2.

Step 1-2 On Shopping Cart Page

Step 1-2 On Shopping Cart Page

Click "Check Out" botton.

Go to Step 2.

Step 2

Step 2

Click "PayPal" or fill in all the information below, and then click "Continue to shipping" botton.

Step 3

Step 3

No need to fill in the email and password. Click "Pay with Credit or Debit Card".

Step 4

Step 4

Fill in the necessary credit card information.

Step 5

Step 5

Click "Continue" to complete the order. It's done!

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